Greenree Initiatives
Hi, I am Vidhita – a student of grade 5. Few months back, in my younger sister’s school function I and my parents took a pledge to reuse and recycle the paper waste. Since then I started noticing that there are heaps of paper scrap lying at scrap shops. I asked my parents, Are these the same carton boxes which we get when we do online shopping. They said – Yes. “What ??? – And what do they do with it ?”– I asked. My father told me that all of this goes to the recycling plant. Seeing my curiosity, my father who generally doesn’t allow me to watch videos on mobile – showed me some videos of paper recycling. My take away from those videos is recycling is good but definitely not the best way of saving the environment. It saves the life of some trees’ but in turn adds pollution to the environment too. I recalled the pledge I took in school – Reuse and Recycle. I asked my parents again – “Can’t we reuse some paper rather than re-cycling all of it.” My parents agreed with me and said ok we will do something about it. My father put my idea on the website that I named – GreenREE – “Go Green through REusE and REducE the REcyclE.” I have done what I could do. My parents have put lot of hard work to bring this idea to you. Rest is left for you to do @ Hope you will also give me opportunity to write one more story – GreenREE SUCCESS STORY Yours Vidhita.

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